
Hymn Scripture Links

2%2520Thessalonians 1

Chapter, Verse Hymn No. First Line
1:10 452 Lord, to be in Thine own presence
1:10 104 We wait for Thee, O Son of God,
1:10 140 O Lord, our hearts are waiting
1:10 267 Glory, honour, adoration,
1:10 36 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
1:10 28 Hail! Thou once despisèd Jesus;
1:10 291 Lo! He comes, from heav'n descending,
1:10 395 Great Captain of Salvation,
1:10 56 O Lord , how blest our journey,
1:10 47 Blest Lord, Thou spakest! 'twas Thy voice
1:10 139 This world is a wilderness wide;
1:11 254 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
1:11 403 Father, now we come before Thee,
1:11,12 126 Lord Jesus, may our days on earth
1:11,12 436 We treasure, Lord, Thy blessèd Name,
1:12 280 Lord Jesus Christ, to Thee a song we raise,
1:12 54 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
1:12 82 O Jesus, Lord, we love Thee,
1:12 12 Sing without ceasing, sing
1:12 232 Lord Jesus Christ, our voices rise as one
1:12 126 Lord Jesus, may our days on earth
1:12 282 God gave His Son for sinners;
1:12 341 O blessèd Saviour, is Thy love
1:12 254 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
1:12 444 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
1:12 293 Thy grace, O Lord, that measured once the deep
1:12 38 Blessèd God, above creation,
1:12 287 Jesus! life-giving sound,
1:12 71 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
1:12 352 O Lord, the joy of union,
1:12 148 Lord Jesus, our souls would adore Thee,
1:2 324 O come to the Saviour, He's calling today;